Seed of Life
Super Food for a Super Life

Your food is your first step to live to your fullest potential. Seeds, grains, pulses, cereals grown rooted in traditional agriculture provide the best of nutrition because Nature intends it to be that way. The more you include traditional foods in your diet the more your body goes towards optimum fitness, gains strength and improves its metabolism, your mind feels balanced and sharp. And can then unleash your true power into everything you do.
That’s why are doing what we are doing. We want to share what goes on our families’ table with yours, because food is the first medicine a healthy body needs.

seed of life

seed of life


Seed of Life is the promise of life-enhancing nutrition. We bring traditional agricultural produce, time-honoured for health benefits and sourced from original farmlands.

The promise of quality produce.
The handed-down wisdom of nutrition

We come from the heartlands of India where the land gives its blessings in the form of health. We source grains, cereals, pulses, seeds from farmers who have been traditionally growing them from generation to generation. We partner with farmers who have family holdings of land that they cultivate with the same affection that their forefathers did.
Where modern cultivation methods do play a part, they go hand-in-hand with processes that have come through the years. They know what the land can provide when crops are nurtured with care in sustainable ways.

seed of life
seed of life

Harnessing local skills for production

Our manufacturing facilities employ local skilled workers who understand the land and the produce. So any food items we pack comes with the assurance that it would be the standard you would use to evaluate produce.

Manufacturing with Institutional partnerships

All the facilities are equipped with innovations in agri-product machinery as a result of our tie-ups with well-known scientific institutions and well-known machine manufacturers. We like to see beyond mere accepted practices and design assemblies that are hygienic, well-designed and bring the best of the land to your table.

seed of life
seed of life

And the last say has to be for the environment

Whatever we do we have a deep lifelong commitment to the land, the eco-system, the community and the climate. All our produce come from sustainable farms cultivated without harm to the environment. All our processes and logistics are also geared to keep our carbon footprints to the minimum. We have instituted a “Back to Earth” programme where we plough back profits into local communities for the promotion of education, health, environment and art. We want Seed of Life not just to nourish the body but also nourish the human spirit.